Thursday, 11 July 2013

Final Evaluation: Proof Read & Spellchecked

Final Evaluation 

Pick up the vibe in three parts:


Section 1- The brief

What you had to do to meet all sections of the brief?

To meet all section so the brief I firstly had to do some research into multi camera shows and looking at all the different genres and how multi camera is beneficial for those types of shows. After looking at some shows I had to research all of the job roles that are a part of a multi-camera show and then write which one I think would be best for me. After I got assigned my job role which was set designer I had to start creating blue prints of possible outcomes for the set and then making sure that they were eye-catching enough for a teenage audience. This part of the job role was quite hard seeming as teenagers are into different a thing, which was why the main idea for the background was a collage of music artists so that this way it would appeal to a larger audience as it included artists from all genres e.g. rock, rap, RnB, punk. Then after I had done the blue prints I had to go and source the props that were going to be used, and that really only consisted of asking permission for the display boards and the blocks that the presenters and guests sit on, so it was quite simple and luckily we was able to use the props that we required otherwise it would have caused quite a problem.

How the final production meets the brief?

The final production Pick up the vibe meets the requirements of the brief as watching the production it does keep the theme of music well throughout the whole show as in the show it includes interviews with artists just like any other magazine show would do such as T4. Also it meets the brief as the show provides the latest music news such as at 27.08, which allows the audience to be more engaged and allows them to find out all the latest music releases. The show does meet the appropriate time limit given in the brief as it runs for 30 minutes and includes all the content that any magazine show would include such as at 04:37 we see the guest and presenters having a discussion about the artists lifestyle and upcoming productions and also the show keeps the audience entertained my having a competition area such as at 08:54 which allows enjoyment for both the audience and presenters and when it does come to magazine shows it's always important to have the audience engaged at all times.

How effectively do you believe the production team functioned overall?

Overall I think the production team functioned really well. The first time we did a run through of the show it was quite quick and we didn't go through what’s happening in each segment of the show in detail, which wasn't the best idea as it did cause some confusion as where people are supposed to be on the set. Also we didn't have the best communication between each other which also led to confusion but, after that I think the production went a lot more smoothly and people began to enjoy it more and have a more positive attitude towards the whole production and also when everyone started to communicate more it made things much more easier and enjoyable and stopped people worrying and stressing which was a good thing. Also I think the production team all together we worked well as during the pre-production stages everyone was interacting with each other and making sure that we were all up to date on are jobs so that others were able to complete there’s, which is why I think the final production turned out well.

Section 2 - Self evaluation

The professional expectations of a set designer consist of:

. Set designers must be very creative as this is the main part where everything takes place in the production and if the set doesn't look very eye-catching its likely to not have the effect that it should, while if its bright and matches the chosen genre its more likely have a better effect on the audience and also the production itself.

. The set designer must have meetings with the director, lighting, floor manager and the costume designer regularly so that everyone knows how the set is going to turn out e.g. what colors are being used and if they would class with the presenters and guests clothing choice.

. Set designers must be the sort of people who are able to work closely with the rest of the team, because they are responsible for putting the whole scene together and if they don't do it how the director and other heads have told them to do it there will be problems when it comes to production.

. The set designer must also provide more than one blue print for the studio so just in case one doesn't turn out the way it should there are other options to choose from, this way it allows the pre-production stage to still be on time, otherwise if they didn't make more than one at the start it would waste time.

. They must be committed creative people that are able to work well under stress as a lot of thought and preparation must go in to the set and if they unable to handle the work load, the set won’t reach its full potential and would look rushed, while if they are fully focused they are able to put everything into it able to produce the best outcome.

.The set designer must provide all of the props and make sure that everything is set up and ready for the production date and if there is any problems, they would have go to the director if there are any problems.

How did you meet those expectations?

Studio designs

I met these expectations by during the pre-production stage I created more than one blue print of the studio and each blue print was different from each other ( layout wise) but they all included the same details, such as they all had a competition area and the main area. I think it was a good idea to keep the same features in each blue print and change the layout because that way when it came to creating the set we was able to see which layout was had the most aesthetic appeal. Also when it came to the set design, I also had to consider the layout for the cameras and make sure that they were positioned in the right place so that they are able to capture the full show without there being any object in the way of the camera shot.


Box for room 101 challenge
The pre-production stage was a lot less stressful than actually getting all of the props together as I had to make sure a week beforehand that we was actually able to use the blocks for the presenters and guests and that we had enough display boards that covered the set, otherwise I think if we didn't it would have become quite a problem and would of have to think of something else which I think would of been really hard to do but, luckily everything went well as we was able to use the needed props and had everything set up a week beforehand. But, the other props needed for the challenges were easy to come across such as the M&Ms, chopsticks and the box for the room 101 challenge.

Aesthetic appeal

When it came to the actual preparation for the set I was slightly worried on how to make it visually appealing as it’s hard to come up with something that appeal to a British teenage audience. I think the planning stage of the set design helped me quite a lot as it allowed me to think of backgrounds that all have a music theme to it, which in the end I'm glad that we did use the black and white collage of artists as in all honesty it came out better than expected in my opinion, but during the preparation of the set the papers kept flapping about on the display boards, so we all had to make sure that they were properly attached to the boards, otherwise it would have made the set look a bit sketchy and untidy. Out of the competition area and the main area, I think the competition one looked a lot more appealing with the collage of artists, as it seemed to bring out the guests a lot more in that area than the main one, but they both still turned out quite well. The main area of the set originally was just black boxes, but I think covering the boxes with blue cloth made the boxes stand out more as I think if the boxes were just left black it may have collided with the black color of the rest of the set and would of looked a bit more plain. But, beforehand I checked to see what the boxes would look like if I covered them with red cloth instead and from looking through one of the camera, the red cloth seemed to be quite distracting and bold, so then I decided to try a blue cloth instead and that looked a lot more calm and didn't stand out a much.

What improvements could you have made?

Honestly I don’t really know what improvements could be made, as from the live production everything seemed to be fine and through the show there didn't once have to be any changes made to the set or having to fix something, so from this I don’t think any improvements could have been made. But if I was to choose something from the set, I suppose it would be the posters as I had to make sure that they were all secure against the boards and none of them were falling off or bothering the presenters and guests. But overall I think the set actually turned out better than expected, cause even though I thought through what was actually going to be on the set and how it was going to be set up, there was worry that something bad would happen or one of the props would of be a difficulty to get e.g. the display boards, but luckily nothing like that happened and I'm quite proud the way it turned out.

What difficulties did you have during production?

During the production I didn't really face any difficulties as when it came to the final production I had already completed my role, but beforehand I did have to make sure that everything on the set was in the right position along with the presenters and guests seating arrangements and that the props for the game of the show were set up e.g. having the M&Ms and chopsticks set up in the competition on area and for the other game I had to make sure that the presenter new when to place the box in sight of the camera. Also during the production stage I was in charge with the microphones and had to make sure that the presenters and guests each had one and that if they needed to switch I had to tell them when and who they were making a switch to. Luckily during the production stage nothing actually went wrong with the set, as when there was a break from the production I would make sure that none of the pictures were falling off and if they were I would just stick them back on and that all of the props were set up before we did another run through.

What skills do you think you have gained?

The skills that I have gained from this production is that personally I think my confident level has gotten a little higher as throughout this production I had to engage myself more with everyone else and put my ideas forward and for me that is out my comfort zone as at the start when we did production meetings I would be shy about saying my ideas but after a while I was more comfortable with it. Also I have become slightly better at talking to people first as being the set designer I had to talk to the other members of the team so they know exactly what I was doing, which I think is really beneficial as now it has given me the a bit more confidence to be more forward with my ideas rather than being quiet. Something that I found quite hard to do though is making the set as I didn't really know what to include on it and how to make it something appealing to look at, so I think that’s why when it came to the background to have a collage of artists it made the show look like it had a variety to it, rather than just having a plain background behind the presenters. Also I have gained better knowledge on how a multi-camera production really works and how much time and preparation to create a show you actually need, and I gathered that the main thing that when it comes to a multi-camera team work is a vital key. As through the stages of pre-production if no one on the production team had communication and wouldn't tell each other what was actually going on than the show such as the graphics, set and parts that were going to be included in the show e.g. interviews, competitions the show wouldn't have turned out the way it did.

Section 3 - Analysis of final production

Overall I think the final production of pick up the vibe went really well, as from watching the show when it was all put together I think that you can clearly tell that every member of the production team put all of their effort in to the show, allowing it to have the full outcome that it should have. I think Pick up the vibe covered many of the main conventions needed to create a multi-camera show for a British audience, as throughout the show the interviews were enjoyable and the presenters where asking a variety of questions for the guest such as at 06:14 and I think this is an important aspect when it comes to magazine shows as you want to be able to keep the audience intrigued the whole time and let them find out as much as they can about the guest on the show, which I think during pick up the vibe is done quite well.

Also when it came to the interviews each time a guest would be interviewed they would be from a different music genre as on pick up the vibe the genres consisted of RnB, rap and rock which would keep a teenage audience engaged as if the show just focused on one genre e.g. rap, it wouldn't appeal to a variety of teenagers and the show wouldn't have met the brief. But, I think the show represented itself well when it came to engaging a teenage British audience by including the different genres and also providing the music videos along with the artist, which is also something you would see on other British magazine shows such as T4


The coverage of action throughout the show I think was well done as there was quite a lot of different camera language being used in the show, so if anything did happen while recording, the camera operators would have been able to capture it . Also through the show there was a lot of camera language e.g. close ups, mid shots, which I think was presented well as whenever either the guest of presenters were talking the director seemed to make sure that there was a good amount of time on the presenters and guests as there was quite a lot of cuts, which were all made at the right time e.g. at 20:30 when one of the presenters was talking the camera would be on them and slowly stay on them for a few more seconds and then switch to the person who was talking after, which I think made the show more aesthetically pleasing. But, rarely such as 08:52 the camera would shake a little which would be the shot look untidy, but this rarely happened through the show so it didn't have a massive effect, as if it did happen a lot it would be the show look un- professional and childlike.

During the pre-production stage as the set designer I had to figure out there different areas for where the show would actually be set and if there would have been any problems. But, during the stage there wasn't really any constrictions for the main area and the competition area, but I did have to inform the floor manager, camera operators and the lighting operator what was actually going to be on the set and if anything would have been in the way of their job, and how the cameras were supposed to be set up so that it was able to capture everything during the show. Also during the show there was a few different locations such as at 7:54 for a pre-recorded feature one of the presenters decided to interview people coming out of a concert and get their views on how it went and also at 27:19 there was another pre-recorded feature when one of the presenters did a weekly music update which took place on a green screen. I think having a variety of different locations made the show a lot more enjoyable to watch as if the production just focused in the main area, it would quite boring as when it comes to multi-camera shows it always likely to have more than one location.

Sunday, 7 July 2013

Evalutation: UN-proofed & UN-spell checked

Pick up the vibe production in 3 parts



Section 1- The breif

What you had to do to meet all sections of the breif?

To meet all section sof the brief I firstly had to do some reasearch into multi camera shows and looking at all the different genres and how multi camera is benefical for those types of shows. After looking at some shows I had to research all of the job roles that are apart of a multi-camera show and then write which one I think would be best for me. After I got assigned my job role which was set designer I had to start creating blue prints of possible outcomes for the set and then making sure that they were eye-catching enough for a teenage audience, which was quite hard seeming as teenagers are into different things, which is why the main idea for the background was a collage of music artists so that this way it would appeal to a larger audience as it included artists from all genres e.g rock,rap,RnB,punk. Then after I had done the blue prints I had to go and source the props that were going to be used, and that reall yonly consited of asking permission for the display boards and the blocks that the presenters and guests sit on, so it was quite simple and luckily we was able to use the props that we required otherwise it would have caused quite a problem.

How does the final production meets the breif?

The final production Pick up the vibe meets the requirements of the brief as watching the production it does keep the the theme of music well throughout the whole show as in the show it includes interviews with artists just like any other magazine show would do such as T4. Also it meets the brief as the show provides the latest music news such as at 27.08, which allows the audience to be more engaged and allows them to find out all the latest music releases. The show meets the time limit for the show as it runs for 30 mintures  and includes all the content that any magazine show would include such as at 04:37 we see the guest and presenters having a discussion about the artists lifestyle and up coming productions and also the show keeps the audience entertained my having a competition area such as at 08:54 which allows enojoyment for both the audience and presenters and when it does come to magazine shows it's always important to have the audience engaged at all times.

How effectively do you belive the production team functioned overall?

Overall I think the production team functioned really well.  The first time we did a run trhough of the show it was quite quick and we didn’t go through whats happening  in each segment of the show in detail, which wasn’t the best idea as it did cause some confusion as where people are supposed to be on the set and also we didn’t have the best communication between eachother which also let to confusion but, after that I think the production went a lot more smoothly and people began to enjoy it more and have a more positive attitude towards the whole production and also when everyone started to communicate more it made things much more easier and enjoyable and stopped people worrying and stressing which was a good thing. Also I think the production team all togther we worked well as during the pre-prodcution stages every one was intereacting with each other and making sure that we were all up to date on are jobs so that others were able to compelte theres, which is why I think the final production turned out well.

Section 2 - Self evaluation 

The professional expectations of a set designer consist of :

. Set designers must be very creative as this is the main part where everything takes place in the production and if the set doesn't look very eye-catching its likely to not have the effect that it should, while if its bright and matches the chosen genre its more likely have a better effect on the audience and also the production itself.

. The set designer must have meetings with the director, lighting, floor manager and the costume designer regulary so that everyone knows how the set is going to turn out e.g what colors are being used and if they would class with the presenters and guests clothing chouce.

. Set designers must be the sort of people who are able to work closely with the rest of the team, because they are responsible for putting the whole scene together and if they don't do it how the director and other heads have told them to do it there will be problems when it comes to production.

. The set designer must also provide more than one blue print for the studio so just incase one doesn't turn out the way it should there are other options to choose from, this way it allows the pre-production stage to still be on time, otherwise if they didnt make more than one at the start it would waste time.

. They must be committed creative people that are able to work well under stress as a lot of thought and preparation must go in to the set and if they unable to handle the work load, the set wont reach its full potential and would look rushed, while if they are fully focused they are able to put everything into it able to produce the best outcome.

.The set designer must provide all of the props and make sure that everything is set up and ready for the production date and if there is any problems, they would have go to the director if there are any problems.

How did you meet those expectations?

Studio designs

I met these expectations by during the pre-production stage I created more than one blue print of the studio and each blue print was different from each other layout wise but they all included the same details such as they all had a competetion area and the main area. I think it was a good idea to keep the same features in each blue print and change the layout because that way when it came to creating the set we was able to see which layout was had the most aesthetic appeal and sorting out the layout for the cameras also, so that they are postioned in the right place so that they are able to capture the full show without there being any object in the way of the camera shot.

Layout 2
Layout 3

Layout 1


The pre-production stage was a lot less stressful than actually getting all of the props together as I had to make sure a week beforehand that we was actually able to use the blocks for the presenters and guests and that we had enough display boards that covered the set, otherwise I think if we didn't it would have become quite a problem and would of have to think of something else which I think would of been really hard to do but, luckily everything went well as we was able to use the needed props and had everything set up a week beforehand.

Aesthetic appeal

When it came to the actual preperation for the set I was slightly worried on how to make it visually appealing as its hard to come up with something that appeals to a British teenage audience, which is why I think the planning stage of the set design  helped me quite a lot as it allowed me to think of backgrounds that all have a music theme to it, which in the end I'm glad that we did use the black and white collage of artists as in all honesty it came out better than expected in my opionion, but during the preperation of the set the papers kept flapping about on the display boards, so we all had to make sure that they were properely attached to the boards, otherwise it would have made the set look a bit sketchy and untidy. Out of the competition area and the main area, I think the compeetetion  one looked a lot more appealing with the collage of artists, as it seemed to bring out the guests a lot more in that area than the main one, but they both still turned out quite well. The main area of the set originally was just black boxes, but I think covering the boxes with blue cloth made the boxes stand out more as I think if the boxes were just left black it may of collided with the black color of the rest of the set. But, beforehand I checked to see what the boxes would look like if I covered them with red cloth instead and from looking through one of the camera, the red cloth seemed to be quite distracting and bold, so then I decided to try a blue cloth instead and that looked a lot more calm and didn't stand out a much.

Competition area
presenters in main area

main area

What improvements could you have made?

Honestly I dont really know what improvments could be made, as from the live production everything seemed to be fine and through the show there didnt once have to be any changes made to the set or having to fix something, so from this I dont think any improvements could have been made. But if I was to choose something from the set, I suppose it would be the posters as I had to make sure that they were all secure against the boards and none of them were falling off or bothering the presenters and guests. But overall I think the set actually turned out better than expected, cause even though I thought through what was actually going to be on the set and how it was going to be set up, there was worry that something bad would happen or one of the props would of be a difficultie to get e.g the display boards, but luckily nothing like that happend and Im quire proud the way it turned out.

What difficulties did you have during production?

During the production I didn't really face any difficulties as when it came to the final prodcution I had already completed my role, but beforehand I did have to make sure that everything on the set was in the right position along with the presenters and guests seating arrangments and that the props for the game of the show  were set up e.g having the M&Ms and chopsticks set up in the competion area and for the other game I had to make sure that the presenter new when to place the box in sight of the camera. Also during the production stage I was in charge with the microphones and had to make sure that the presenters and guests each had one and that if they needed to switch I had to tell them when and who they were making a switch to. Luckily during the production stage nothing actually went wrong with the set, as when there was a break from the production I would make sure that none of the pictures were falling off and if they were I would just stick them back on and that all of the props were set up before we did another run through.

What skills do you think you have gained?

 The skills that I have gained from this production is that personally I think my confident level has gotten a little higher as through out this production I had to engage myself  more with everyone else and put my ideas forward and for me that is out my comfort zone as at the start when we did prodcution meetings I wouldbe shy about saying my ideas but after a while i was more comfortable with it and also I have become slightly better at talking to people first as being the set designer I had to talk to the other members of the team so they know exactly what I was doing, which I think is really benefical as now it has given me the a bit more confidence to be more forward with my ideas rather than being quiet. Something that I found quite hard to do though is making the set as I didnt really know what to include on it and how to make it something appealing to look at, so I think thats why when it came to the background to have a collage of artists  it made the show look like it had a variety to it, rather than just having a plain background behind the presenters. Also I have gained better knowledge on how a multi-camera prodcution really works and how much time and preperation to create a show you actually need, and I gathered that the main thing that when it comes to a multi-camera team work is a vital key, as through the stages of pre-production if no one on the production team had commincation and wouldnt tell each other what was actually going on then the show such as the graphics,set and parts the were going to be included in the show e.g interviews, competitions the show wouldnt have turned out the way it did.

Section 3 - Analysis of final production

Overall I think the final production of  pick up the vibe went really well, as from watching the show when it was all put together I think that you can clearly tell taht every member of the production team put all of their effort in to the show, allowing it to have the full outcome that it should have. I think Pick up the vibe covered many of the main conventions needed to create a multi-camera show for a british audince, as through out the show the interviews were engaging and the presenters where asking a variety of questions for the guest and I think this is an important aspect when it comes to magazine shows as you want to be able to keep the audience intreeged the whole time and let them find out as much as they can about the guest on the show, which I think during pick up the vibe is done quite well. Also when it came to the interviews each time a guest would be interviewed they would be from a different music genre as on pick up the vibe the genres consited of RnB, rap and rock which would keep a teenage audience engaged as if the show just focused on one genre e.g rap, it wouldnt appeal to a variety of teenagers and the show wouldn't have met the breif. But, I think the show represented itself well when it came to engageing a teenage british audience by including the different genres and also providing the music videos along with the artist, which is also something you would see on other British magazine shows such as T4.


The coverage of action through out the show I think was well done as there was quite a lot of different camera language being used in the show, so if anything did happen while recording, the camera operators would have been able to capture it . Also through the show there was a lot of camera language e.g close ups, mid shots, which I think was presented well as when ever either the guest of presenters were talking the director seemed to make sure that there was a good amount of time on the presenters and guests as there was quite a lot of cuts, which were all made at the right time e.g at 20:30 when one of the presenters was talking the camera would be on them and slowly stay on them for a few more seconds and then switch to the person who was talking after, which I think made the show more aesthically pleasing, but rarely such as 08:52 the camera would shake a little which would be the shot look untidy, but this rarely happend through the show so it didnt have a massive effect, as if it did happen a lot it would be the show look un proffesional and child like.

mid shot
mid shot
long shot

Interviweing the public
Music update
During the pre-production stage as the set designer I had to figure out  three different areas for where the show would actually be set and if there would have been any problems. But, during the stage there wasn't really any constrictions for the main area and the competition area, but I did have to inform the floor manager, camera operators and the lighting operator what was actually going to be on the set and if anything would have been in the way of their job, and how the cameras were supposed to be set up so that it was able to capture everything during the show. Also during the show there was a few different locations such as at 7:54 for a pre-recorded feature one of the presenters decided to interview people coming out of a concert and get there views on how it went and also at 27:19 there was another pre-recorded feature when one of the presenters did a weekly music update which took place on a green screen. I think having a variety of different locations made the show a lot more enjoyable to watch as if the production just focused in the main area, it would quite boring as when it comes to multi-camera shows it always likely to have more than one location.

Friday, 21 June 2013

Production reflection 4

Production reflection 4

The duties that I have performed during this week are carrying on from last week which was completing the collection of black and white photos, which I then put them onto a PowerPoint document so that It would be easier to print out. Also this week I asked permission from the head of drama department  and technicians if we could use their black boxes and if we could have four diplayboards, which they both agreed on. This week overall has been quite successful as the set is pretty stable and all that would really need to be done now is to set it up and place the photos onto the boards and also make sure that everything needed for the show we have such as the M&Ms and chopsticks. There isnt really anything that I need to change or develop  as everything seems to be done and for the following week I need to begin to set the set up so that it is ready for the live day. This week I didnt really work with many of my team besides the floor manager as they wanted to know where everything was going to placed etc, so I gave them a blueprint of the set design. Also I had to fill in a document for the director which is called the masterscript where I had to write which area of the set will be used in each section of the show, such as where the presenters will be when talking e.g main area, competition area or news area.

PowerPoint of images

Master script

Master script


The master script shows the running order of the show and what exactly is going to be shown throughout the show and what sort of things are going to be included such as, what studio area will be used in this shot and what type of lighting will be used there as well, also what graphics are going to appear on the screen. As my job is set designer I had to write down which set will be in the shot with the presenters which would either be the main area, competition area or news area.

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Production week 2- props

Main studio props

Competition props

News props

production meeting reflection 3

production meeting reflection 3

The duties that i performed this weeks were to start finding props for the main areas for the show, e.g main area, competition area and the news area. I made three separate tables which include what props are going to be used in each area. This week what has been successful is that we have finally figured out what exactly the studio is going to look like and I have also started to figure out where to get the props from, the only props which would be a problem would be the display boards, other than that everything else is fine. The following week I need to start getting the props in order and know exactly where I can get them from, so that there isn't any complications for when it gets nearer to the production date. There isn't anything that needs developing for the set as its just a matter of getting the props. Also this week i worked with some of my peers, such one of the presenters and the lighting desk as we needed to see if the lights would go well with the background and that if there is any specific props that the presenters want on the set. All together this week has been quite well.

Friday, 14 June 2013

Planning studio designs

Studio designs

Main stage of studio ideas

Idea 1   

Idea 2

Studio background on the greenscreen

Idea 3

These three ideas here is what the main studio area might look like. The first two ideas are different from one another while the third one is a combination of the first two. The colours that are presented through the blue prints are not the actual colour scheme for the show, as it just a way for the layout to stand out more and look more interesting to look at. Overall from these designs I think the idea for having photos of artists and magazine music related articles as the backdrop which would surround the presenters and guests ,is a lot more engaging and more eye appealing. While with the idea of having a green screen which would have a recording studio on it might look a bit sketchy and to unrealistic.

Competition area 

The competition area could be a seperate area from the main studio where when the competition starts its set in a different enviroment, so that it adds more of a variety to the show as it would be boring to have everything in the same area. The competition area wouldnt be far from the main area as there would only a be a short amount of time to make the presenters or guest to switch places, which is why I decided to do two ideas of where the competition area could be placed within the studio.

Competition area combined with main studio area

Sunday, 9 June 2013

production meet reflection 2

Production meeting reflection

During this week I made three potential ideas for the layout of the set, two of them which are different from one another while this other one is a combination of the two, which I think is the best design out of them. I also started thinking about where the competition area would link up to he main area so I did a few different designs for that but, I decided one of them as it looks much better than the other two and I think the placement of cameras would work out much easier and effective. The groups response to my ideas on the set were quite positive and they agreed on the background of the set which is a collage of different artists etc and its likely that they will be in black and white as we dont want them to overlap the presenters and guests. Also when it came down to the color scheme I didn't have a clue, but from what I gathered when I asked for everyone opinion on the color the majority said black and red so that has helped me quite a bit on the sets development. This week I think has a whole everything has been quite successful and we all know what were doing for the show now and were all putting ideas together to make it better. I think the only thing I really need to develop is where to place the cameras with the main stage and competition area, so at one point I shall talk about it with the camera operators and also think where to get the props etc for the stage. During this week I'll begin to put together a collage of artists and start to look for where I can get the props and seats. This week I didn't really work with any of my hierarchical peers a lot besides the lighting desk as we needed to discuss what sort of colors should be used on the show, but I think this will be different the following week.

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Production meeting reflection

Production meeting reflection

The production meeting was run by all of us sitting around the table and one by one we each said our own original idea for a music show, overall I think everyone's ideas were good and I enjoyed listening to them. The groups response to my idea seemed to be positive and that the majority liked the idea of having a puppet on the show. I didn't really vote for a specific person as I thought everyone had good and different ideas and I didn't know who to actually vote for due to that reason but, the main aspects from everyone that I really liked is that there was so many different ideas on the competition area and they all had there unique touch and ways of relating to the audience, such as a rap battle between the audience members, a busking battle and also an idea where someone gets goo poured on them. With every-ones idea we all related to the brief, especially at keeping it to a British audience and also the creative side with it as well, as everyone came up cool original ideas. I dont think there is any areas for development really, as each of us explained are ideas in a lot of detail and that for the final idea I think a bit of everyone's idea should be a part of it as everyone's ideas were good and with everyone's combined it would make a cool music show.

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

multi-camera production pitch

Multi-camera production

Programme format

Title of show

The reason why I have decided with this as an idea for the name for the show is because it is able to relate to a 14-20 audience due to today's slang as "bangers" could be associated with music itself while "mash" can be associated with music mash ups such as remixes etc. The style of font for name of this show is bold and I think the red background allows it to be more in your face, and too keep it having a music theme to it I decided to add guitar leads. The contrast between black and red allows the font to be brought out more and also presents the show itself, red representing the show to be daring etc.


The reason why I decided on this name for the show is because it suggests to the audience that the show discusses a wide variety of music and that the audience is able to gather a lot of information about music and artists. The typography on this image relates to music due the typography is placed upon a guitar string set and comes across quite natural and bold due to the colour of the jukebox brings out the typography more.

Content ideas

During the show there will be two presenters one male and one female so that it is able to relate to a wider teenage audience as if it was just two male presenters the show would only really relate to males, while with having both genders it is able to have the interests of both male and female,also on the show the presenters shall be interviewing around two guests. Also on the show it could include a talking puppet which could be created out of random bits and bobs that matches the theme of the show (music) and also is able to  answer the audiences questions and is also in charge of the competitions etc, but the default with this would be its more likely to be aimed  for a child audience, so the puppet would have to have teenage like features etc. This would be able to relate the audience as for them it would make the show more entertaining and also creates an image for the show as well as keeping the audience engaged.

Example of the chubby bunny challenge. I think this would be able to relate to a teenage audience as teenagers are influenced by what they see on shows etc and they also enjoy trying new activities and also I think this would make the show a lot more entertaining with the presenters and guest joining in.


The guests that will be interviewed would have be the artist themselves or actors who featured in the new music videos which  will be shown throughout the show and the presenters will be asking them questions about their music career and also get the audience involved by tweeting questions that they want answered and after the discussion of music, it can move up a level and the audience is able to ask any type of questions they want the guests to answer. 


Examples of type of clothing and accessories the guests
could put on for the competition
When it approaches the competition area of the show it involves the presenter asking the guest questions but the guests have to answer the questions as quick as possible and each time they get one right they have to add another layer of clothing on being that the clothing could consist of strange clothes and objects and the audience is able to get involved by using social media to contact the show and take a guess of how many items of clothing the guest is able to put on within the time limit and the one with the closest answer wins the competition.  Also with the competition stage there could be a variety of different challenges such as the cotton ball challenge, chubby bunny challenge etc and this part of the show would have been pre-recorded, the reason why this would relate to a teenage audience is because teenagers like to be entertained in ridiculous ways so doing strange challenges is a way to keep them engaged.

The target audience is from 14-20 year old,so for a show based around music for that age range is quite difficult as there is a wide variety of music and different types of teenagers which this show must be able to relate to. But, I think that a way to be able to relate to the majority of British teens is to include on the show forgettable moments and events that will be able to keep the audience entertained throughout the show with the latest music headlines with a few games in between.

Running order
The running order of the show will firstly consist of the graphics which is the introduction to the show and then it will go into the guests and them introducing themselves and the guest. It will then cut to the line-up of the show, which consists of glimpses of the competitions, and make it aesthetically pleasing to the audience and showing glimpses of the show that will capture there attention and make them want to keep watching the show . After that it will go back to the presenters to where they introduce the guest and then begin to ask them questions about their music career etc, after some questions have been asked it will cut to the artists music video and that will run for a few seconds or the full length of the video and after that is when the audience is able to tweet in questions for the artist and that is when that part begins. After some tweets it will turn to this weeks top 5 music videos, so that the audience is able to get the latest news and after that it will turn to a break and the graphics of the show will come up. When the show returns the show will either have the same guest or another one sitting with the previous guest and they will be given questions to answer as well , then shortly after it will turn to the competition section of the show which will either focus around the puppet in charge of it or the presenters. The competition that will take place shall be the clothe changing challenge which will happen on the set and then after that has finished the presenters will introduce their weekly challenge which was pre-recorded and that challenge will be the chubby bunny challenge. Soon after the pre-recording there will be a few  more questions and then it will be the ending of the show.

Studio design

sketch of background

Floor plan sketch, the orange chair is where the guest shall sit
and the blue chairs is where the presenters will sit. The grey
square is a table and the circle is a fish bowl. The black
rectangles is the background billboards which will
have a layout as the image beneath.
The background for the set will have billboards that are covered around the studio and in the centre will be the presenters and guests and on these backgrounds there will be music related images such as famous artists,instruments or just a collage of the names of different genres of music etc. The guests and presenters will be sitting on couches facing each other and in the middle of them shall be a table with the shows logo on it with a fish bowl. The reason why the studio is set up like this is because the layout allows the presenters and guest to feel comfortable with each other and creates a calm atmosphere as they are able to keep eye-contact with each other and engage in the conversation at hand more freely. Also the layout of the set needs to be visually pleasing to a teenage audience, as if the set consisted of a plain dark background and didn't have much colour it wouldn't attract a teenage audience but a much older one.

The style of couches which seem to be
suitable for a magazine programme
A background I made of what could be on the billboards of
the set, which are behind the presenter and guest.

Visual style


Short breaks
I think during the show it would be quite cool to have short animation clips such as at 1:13 as I think it would make the show a lot more enjoyable to watch as long as the animation has a lot fast paced movement and have a sort of illustration theme to it, just like T4 as personally I think it makes the show a lot more keen on watching as each animation sketch is different and with that in the show it could represent each section of the show. Such as before when the show plays the latest music videos it could cut to a small animation of a small animated character sitting in the cinema with a remote control and then clicking the remote which then leads in to the music video clips.  But the style of short animation must include a colour and illustration that is able to relate to teenagers such as having a urban tone to it, but not to urban that it creates an urban audience, colours and backgrounds such as the images below.


The graphics for the show should be bold and have some colour in them, as this is a show aimed for 14-20 year old and if there isn't really much colour then it seems like it is aiming for a much older audience which would present the show to be more formal, so that is why the graphics should be colourful, bold and eye-catching. Also with the graphics when the presenters appear on the screen small captions should come up underneath them and this also apply s for the guests as well.

Camera movement
The camera movement for the show needs to be quite slow because it needs to be able to witness the reactions of the presenters and guest enough so that they audience are able to be able to understand whats happening etc while if there was a lot of fast paced movement it would look scatty and become confusing for the audience as this isn't a fast paced show but, the good thing about multi-camera is that if something spontaneous happens on set the camera crew are able to get that moment more quickly. The camera movement must also be able to establish the atmosphere between the presenter and guest so that if the atmosphere is comfortable it will allow the audience to feel relaxed and be more engaged with the conversation.

Presentation style
My idea for the presentation style for the show is more likely to be informal as that way its more engaging for a younger audience rather than having formal discussion as that way its more likely for them to loose interest quicker, while as the target audience is 14-20 the show needs to have a lively and engaging atmosphere and being able to relate to them such as having topics about music that the audience will find interesting etc The number one song at the moment or even fast paced questions directed to the guest which could consist of
anything. That way the audience is able to learn more about the guest and at the same time get entertainment out of the strange questions. The personality of the presenter shall create a calm atmosphere with her audience and her guest and that way it allows them to be more comfortable with each other.

Questions for the artist

What influenced you to start a music career?

What artists inspire you?

What made you come up with this concept for your music video?

Questions on personal life (family,lifestyle) as this way its able to engage more of a teenage audience as there receiving personal information from the artist and it could make them more popular and the audience is able to relate to them more.

Is there anyone you would like to have a collaboration with?

Do you play any instruments?

Do you have any future productions in line?